After more than 18 months of work since the 4.50 release, Insecure.Org is pleased to announce the immediate, free availability of the Nmap Security Scanner version 5.00 from With nearly 600 significant changes, we consider this the most important Nmap release since 1997 and we recommend that all current users upgrade!
The release notes provide the top 5 improvements in Nmap 5 as well as example runs and screen shots. The change details section includes improvements to the Nmap Scripting Engine, Zenmap GUI and Results Viewer, the new Ncat tool, the new Ndiff scan comparison tool, performance improvements, the new Nmap book, and much more!
Source packages as well as binary installers for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X are all available from the Nmap download page.
Update: We've gotten some great press from ITWire, Slashdot, SecurityFocus, LoveMyTool, Reddit, Linux Weekly News, InternetNews.Com, Twitter, and dozens more.

Classic Command-Line Nmap

Scene in the movie

Scene from DIE HARD 4

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